Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Stills: Pests and Things That Annoy You

Here is the challenge (no bonus points for me):

its pretty much an open challenge to vent on anything that annoys you to including things or any type of animal or insect… Bigtime bonus for anyone who can photograph a mosquito….:-)))

Click on the Sunday Stills icon on my sidebar to see pictures of other pests.

My subject?  My pest?  Bella.  My very annoying (but sweet) Nigerian dwarf goat.  She will not stay in her goat pen with the other goats.  No.  She insists on jumping out and eating my apple trees.  She has really done a number on my newest tree -- half the foliage is gone -- and that is REALLY annoying.


  1. That would be bothersome! : ) Great shots.

  2. This was my fear when you talked about getting goats and I had seen such beautiful photos of you lovely landscaping. Truth is you need a four foot fence to keep in goats that size. Though some goats are happy and content in their human made habitat. There are those that are the "the grass is greener on the other side" type. I hope you can find a good solution. Good luck.

  3. Haha Looking at your pictures of the goats brought a smile. Now my wife wants a goat. Great pictures.

  4. Oh no! Poor apple trees. At least she's not chewing the bark, or else they would be a goner!
    We've got 5 ft high wire mesh fence for our 3 goats and we've not had any problems with jumping, thank goodness.
    Bella sure is cute, though. Darn little pest! hehe!


  5. That's a cute pest! I want one.

  6. Love it!! Good thing she is only a dwarf goat..;-)

  7. Bella looks really motivated but cute. I can see where you'd be really annoyed, me too.

  8. and is she even full grown yet? she's a handful, alright!

  9. Great pics. What a cute pest your Bella is, she reeeally wants those leaves!


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