Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Eating Out

This morning Brett and I tried to take the horses on a short ride around the community but Flash was slightly gimpy so we turned around and came home.  Jackson was not pleased.  His nice forward walk became distinctly sluggish as we turned for home. 

Brett dragged the pasture which did a nice job of distributing and drying the mud as well as softening up the footing.  There is quite a bit of sand at the lower fence line and that got moved around.  Then Brett went back to painting the goat shed.  The front is taking him awhile because there is a lot of trim work and he is meticulous.  Beyond meticulous, actually.  But it sure looks nice.

This morning I noticed that the shrub roses by the greenhouse door are going bloomin' crazy. 

I made myself a pb & j sandwich for lunch, trying to stick to my calorie count.  Then Brett came in the house and started rummaging in  the kitchen.
Brett: I'm going to BBQ some hot dogs for lunch.  Do you want one?
Me:  No, I already ate a sandwich.
Brett:  I think you should have one anyway.  There's just one left.
Me:  It's not good for my diet.
Brett:  But it's good for my mental health if you sit with me on the viewing stand and eat one.

The hot dog won.

This evening when I was mucking the pasture, I noticed that the footing was dry and soft so I decided to turn Jackson out with the herd for dinner. 
First they met for drinks at the ol' watering hole
Followed by appetizers (sprouting weeds missed by the harrow)
They moved on to the main course

Flash and Jackson briefly shared a plate.

Jackson and Kalvin were on the alert for dessert
Meanwhile, Brett bbqed a rib eye steak and I threw it together with blue cheese, dried cherries, beets and croutons for a dinner salad. 


  1. Yay! Jackson got to go out with his buddy! I have another friend in California and noticed that most horses are kept in paddocks, rather than pastures with grass. Do you have a grass pasture? I would have fallen for the hot dog your dinner salad. Gary just planted about 80 feet of beets (can't wait). The goat palace is really coming along beautifully.

  2. Normally I don't fancy food posts. But this one was just entertaining!

  3. SO glad Jackson is feeling better - sorry Flash is ailing now :( The goat palace is gorgeous! When are those darling little goats moving in?


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