Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Vet Visits Jackson

Jackson had a very special visitor today.  Dr. Thacher came by to evaluate his concussion laminitis and his hocks.

First she had me walk him on the hard pack dirt driveway.  Then we trotted. 

Then she flexed his hocks, held it, then had me trot him off.  Both sides.

The verdict:  definitely sore in the hocks. 

Then she tested the front to see if he had soreness there, in the name of being thorough.  Jackson thought they were doing yoga.
Forward bend


Verdict:  no more concussion laminitis.  Yes!!!!!!

Treatment:  hock injections.
She gave him a sedative and did the first side.

And then the other.
After she finished, he got a shot of bute.  I'll give him more tonight and over the next three days.  Monday he'll be ready to go back to work.

Prognosis: Excellent

Owner: Broke but very happy and optimistic.

I'm celebrating by making a big pot of marinara sauce with all my tomatoes.  Eggplant parmigiana tonight for dinner.  I think I'll dig a nice bottle of wine out of the cellar too.



  1. oh, congratulations on being free of the laminitis!!! i do hope these injections will fix up his hocks and he'll be good to go!!!

  2. Owner: broke but happy... LOL
    Glad the prognosis is good!

  3. Good news about Jackson. Love that head shot. All of my vets are women too...

    How did dinner turn out? (As if I need to ask).


  4. I'm ecstatic and I don't really know you :) That is great news.
    Enjoy your celebratory meal. I'm making sauce with vine rippened tomatoes tomorrow too.

  5. Oh Annette that is good news. I understand the broke thing.The meal sounds divine. B

  6. Good news....good dinner...good day!

  7. Great news! Those tomatoes look ready!


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