Friday, March 1, 2013

Sunny and Warm

Yes, you read that right.  March 1st and we had a day of summer.  No blankets on the horses (poor Jackson was sweaty just standing around), no sweatshirts or jackets on the humans, and the house windows wide open.  Ahhhhhh, heaven.

I rode Winston for a short while this morning.  It was already warm and we just weren't up to hard work.  Winston has a trace clip so the heat isn't his friend and I'm clawing my way back to normal from some sort of something that has drained my energy for the past week.  I set up poles to create corners and we worked on bend.  The poles were a great frame of reference.  I worked on keeping the bend on the short side between the two corners and discovered that it was a great way to set up a smooth canter transition -- no popping out of the contact or hollowing in Winston's back.  We just smoothly moved up a gear.

Can you see the clump of daffodils behind the arena fence?  They are starting to bloom in earnest now.  In a week or so, I will have a yellow blanket.

I went down to muck in the late afternoon.  We are going to barbeque (seriously!) on the viewing stand tonight so we need to get chores done before dark.  The horses were all standing around in various states of sleepy stupor.

Flash dumped the muck cart.... again.

When he finished playing with it, and I rolled it further along, Winston and Jackson gave it a go.  Mufasa walked over to join them.  It was cute until Winston tried to chew off the tines of my muck rake.  Enough is enough boys.

This evening I'm joining the other ladies on the ranch for Bunco in the community center.  I haven't played Bunco in ages!  ...since before we left suburbia for the mountains so let's call it over ten years.  The women up here rock so we are going to have a great time, regardless of how awful I play.


  1. You just had to rub it in about the weather! I'm freezin'. Your place looks seeing Jackson with the herd. He must be one happy boy. Hope you had fun with the girls tonight!

  2. Beautiful weather and beautiful pictures. We had a warm day on Wednesday, so I got in a nice long ride. I can't wait for the weather to stabilize so this can be the norm.

    Good use of the poles! I like that you have green ones and the kind that doesn't roll. Nothing like a good corner to set up the next movement, whether it be canter or shoulder-in down the long side. I would imagine that should be on Winston's plate in the upcoming year.

  3. Your place is so beautiful! We have warm weather here too. In the 20s when I walk Samson before sunrise, but as soon as the sun came over the mountains, it got really nice and warm today.

  4. Looks like heaven shined down on you. I am glad you took full advantage of it. Love how playful your horses are.

  5. March came in like a lamb here too! Those boys..what boys they are! heehee I like what you worked up to do bends....

  6. Congrats on getting that canter depart nice and smooth. That's huge.

  7. Your weather sounds wonderful!
    Sounds like a great ride. I like how you used the exercise to get good canter transisitons.

  8. You know, pictures can be deceiving. I truly believe that Flash was trying to pull the muck cart up after Winston dumped it.


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