Sunday, May 3, 2015

Spring in the Garden

We've had clear blue skies, warm sunshine and bird song this weekend.  The garden is bursting; the peach, nectarine, plum, pear and grapes are setting fruit.  Kersey likes picking peaches off the lower limbs -- Look mom! Balls growing on trees! My rose hedge is blinding, bursting with pink blooms.  My memorial garden is a riot of Shasta daisies, orange-red poppies, white carnations and blue straw flowers.

The herb bed is overflowing with native poppies.

Yesterday afternoon Brett spent time on his mower while I planted heirloom tomatoes in the raised vegetable bed.

I wasn't going to plant a vegetable garden this year, due to the drought, but a cheerful young student was selling heirloom seedlings at the farmers market and I couldn't resist.  We walked past her table, slowly, and then continued on -- with me dragging my feet, trying to tell myself that I didn't need those seedlings.  Brett looked at me, "Go back and get the tomato plants."  So I did.  Four plants, all different varieties, with names like Bumblebee Pink, Indigo Apple and Blue Berry.

I've been spending time in the garden every morning and evening; just walking around, pulling stray weeds, thinning the fruit, watching it grow and bloom.  The garden is my peaceful place to start and end the day; it takes the stress of my work day and sends it away, out of the garden, and out of my mind.


  1. glad the memorial garden is doing well. kersey plucking fruit is too cute. :)

  2. I'm glad you decided to have a veggie garden. Beautiful shots.

  3. We have a drought up here, too, but yours is much worse. You need your veggies though!

  4. Oh, Annette, your flowers are BEAUTIFUL! I spent a few hours on the John Deere today, too!


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