Saturday, May 9, 2020

More Changes

The goats wondered what the heck was going on.  Bear watched intently from the goat platform, where he was high enough to see over the fence, as the donkeys approached.

Luek watched from his pasture.

Further down the pasture fence, Tex and Lucy kept an eye on developments as well.  So much commotion, so much confusion.

Why were the donkeys out of their pasture?  Why was Tuffy doing circles around Annette like he was being lunged, while Finessa was led docilely behind by Brett?

And then, a few minutes later, what were they doing in the front pasture?  With the goats?

The donkeys, themselves, were pretty chill about the move to their new pasture.  I expected them to be lively, given that they have been in the “donkey pasture” for the past seven years.  We figured it was time for a change.  Pistol and Flash like the donkey pasture, where they have been hanging out lately, eating the grass that the donkeys can’t eat fast enough to keep under control.  When the donkeys spotted the goats, they did get a bit more animated.  For a minute.  The video is best with sound on so you can hear the donkeys voicing their opinion of the goats.

They’ve been together for a few hours now.  The donkeys are grazing and exploring.  The goats are grazing and keeping their distance from the donkeys.  This pasture has two run-ins — one for the donkeys and one for the goats.  Pistol and Flash were not sharing the one run-in that is in the donkey pasture so the donkeys were left without a shelter.  And they love being in their shelter.  This way, they have a shelter and a large pasture, and something new to think about.


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