Sunday, May 24, 2020

Garden Thoughts

It’s almost impossible to keep track of the days anymore; they run together in a continuous thread of sameness.  I rarely leave the ranch — a weekly pick-up at a local farm for produce, a bi-weekly run to the grocery store for staples, maybe a monthly stop at the nursery or irrigation shop, and that’s it.
This rose bush was here when we moved in, and it really struggled.  I’ve been pruning out the old wood each year and it has become vigorous, prolific and fills the air with its wonderful fragrance.
When I was working, I put over 30,000 miles on my car each year.  Now, I’m lucky if I drive it once a month.  
Simplicity roses form a beautiful hedge along the front of the garden fence.
We have two baskets of masks in the mud room.  One for clean, and one for used.  We carry a bottle of Lysol and a rag with us in the car.  
I’m going to have a lot of cherries this year, if the birds don’t take them all.
I haven’t had a haircut since March 3rd.  Pretty soon, I’ll be able to put it in a pony tail.
My favorite iris.  No, I don’t remember the name of the variety.  
I have strange dreams at night; dreams of a garden with a patchwork of safe garden beds.  Gradually, over the course of the dream, the safe garden beds shrink and disappear and just the deadly ones are left.  
I like companion planting and interspersing flowers with vegetables. This is my tomato bed.  Or is it my poppy bed?  Having flowers scattered around means that there are lots of bees and butterflies  to pollinate everything.
I know we have to get people back to work.  We need to find our way to a new way of living with this virus.  But, I’m scared of going too fast.  I see people flooding local bars and business without masks and no distancing.  I see photos of people with snarling mouths and glaring eyes, demanding the removal of all restrictions.  And I feel threatened.  
So, I garden and bake and paint.  During the day, I focus on my life here on the ranch and try to ignore the rest.  And then, at night, I dream.
Sugar snap peas, lettuce and chard.
How are you doing?
I’m propagating some big leaf maple trees — one of our favorite trees.


  1. It is a strange new world. I have driven once in 8 weeks. Once. Normally I’m driving every day. Our province is doing well but we can’t stay closed forever.

    1. It’s so hard to get that balance right — opening up as safely as possible is important. I think a lot of the difficulty is in how that is interpreted. It is going to take some time to figure out what the new normal looks like and I think its going to be a difficult process with unhappy people on both sides of the spectrum. I’m happy to watch from a distance.

  2. Hi Annette: Good to hear that you and Brett are doing well
    I had a very short commute to work, 1 mile or so. When I moved equipment home, it did get a little shorter, upstairs to downstairs.

    To be honest, because I was living with the parents for the past few years, I was doing the social-distancing thing as part of my normal life without giving it a label. My most social outing was going to the library. Other than that it was the work/grocery/pharmacy triangle during the week. I didn't go out with co-workers and tended to avoid the break room because it is a walk-in closet with a sink/microwave and fridge. Big break room on the main floor so it was out of my way unless the Red-Cross came to town or work sponsored ice-cream / gelato employee break.

    I mostly stay home at this time. Grocery and pharmacy trips are about it. I can take a walk around the yard and pester the weeds when I take a work break. I live in a small town, so I don't experience some of the strident issues that do make the news.

    With the Phase-2 openings, a short-track racing venue in the county and the news showed a crowd of guys, no masks all crammed in line or sitting in the stands. they are supposed to limit seating. All the box office would say is 'we think we sold a coupla-hundred tickets'. I wonder if we will hear of any repercussions from that event or all the crowded events from this weekend?

    Your garden looks great. I started some flats with older bean seeds. The weather was too cold/wet to plant in the ground, so today some need transplanting to some large containers (trying to protect them from rabbits). I did develop raised beds for vegetables, however new housing development drove the critters into more established areas and now I have to deal with them and make-shift barriers.

    Keep posting your pictures. I really enjoy them.

    M in NC

    1. It is definitely different being in a small town. I’m expecting that there will be a spike after this weekend with all the crowded places and no-mask or distancing going on. Thankfully, we are far away from all of that. My daughter lives in Huntington Beach and that is one of the cities that is ignoring all the safety regulations and recommendations. She assures me that she is being careful, and I believe her, but I still worry.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one having stranger dreams than usual during all of this. I am glad you have your garden to keep you sane. I feel the same anxiety that we're going "too fast" even though the finances suck for me right now. Money comes and goes. You only die once.

  4. The dreams are often the most interesting part of any 24 hour period! But like you, I'm hesitant to rush back into anything too fast as far as re-opening goes. I'm also re-thinking some permanent changes once this is over. I may opt for a quieter life than I had before.

    1. Our life is already (thankfully) pretty quiet but we are seriously thinking about limiting our amount of air travel. ...and I think it will be a long time before we dine in at a restaurant again. Certainly, we won’t be doing it as much. We were invited to a get together at a neighbor’s home yesterday but declined — too many people, indoors, and shared food.


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