Sunday, April 3, 2016

Climbing Toy for the Goats

A number of months ago, Brett saw a picture of a climbing apparatus for goats in a magazine.  He's been thinking, and plotting, ever since.  At Aspen Meadows the goats had huge boulders to climb but here, other than their igloos, there isn't anything to climb on.  And goats love, love, love to climb.
Black goats: Whiskey & Cowboy; Thistle in the air, Bear to the right.  Jackson in the background.

Brett build a three level goat jungle gym.

There are rocks to clamber on for getting to the fist level.  Bear doesn't need them, but the smaller goats appreciate them.
Cowboy and Whiskey

There is a gangplank between the levels on each shelf and then a jump up to the next level.
Bear in the foreground, Whiskey on the first level and Cowboy checking it out on the right.

Bear was the first one up; followed by Cowboy (the larger of the black goats).  They immediately had a head butting contest, which Bear won.  The posts are great for rubbing those darn itchy spots, especially during the spring when they are shedding.

Whiskey thinks the first level is a great place to take a nap.

In the evening, Bear climbs to top level and happily surveys his world.

We haven't seem Thistle (who is cautious) up there yet but I'm sure we will soon.  Bear says the view is awesome.


  1. I love this so much! Your husband is fantastic. Lucky goats to have you both looking out for them.

    1. Thanks, Karen. I think Brett is pretty fantastic too.

  2. Wow - a goat climbing palace! (What will Brett build next?)

    1. Good question Kate -- he's always got a three or four ideas percolating.

  3. Brett! You have outdone yourself once again. The goats love it already!!!!


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