Thursday, November 14, 2013

Bigger is Better

...when it comes to pastures.  Brett was busy today with a room pasture addition.  We've been in a bit of a quandary since Flash jumped out of the back pasture, signaling quite clearly that he didn't like being banished to the back forty where he couldn't see the rest of the herd.

We played musical pastures and put Flash and Jackson in the clover pasture where there is grass for Jackson to nibble.  It is important for him to have access to 24/7 grazing to keep his ulcers at bay.  Since Winston can't be in the same pasture as Jackson, we moved Winston and Mufasa to the oak pasture.

It gave them a lot of room for running which they enjoy.  The only problem is that the fences are in horrible condition, sagging and falling over.  Winston, being an ADD six-year old, paws at the fence, leans on the fence, and rubs on the fence.  The fence didn't stand a chance.  He needed to be moved back to the clover pasture where the fences are in better shape.  But there isn't anything for Jackson to graze on in the oak pasture.  What to do?

Today, Brett busted down the fence that divides the oak pasture from a smaller pasture.  The small pasture has a few oak and pine trees, and grass; dead grass and green grass.  Enough grass to keep Jackson's gut happy.

It didn't take them long to get down to the business of grazing.

Lastly, lookie what I received in the mail today.  A gift from a blogger friend.  Great photos and recipes.  I can't wait to settle in front of the fire and look through it.  We love fish and it is full of seafood recipes.  Perfect!  Thank you!!


  1. Oh they look happy now:)
    Wonderful friend and great book. Have a nice weekend. Hug B

  2. Jackson is beautiful. I hope the new arrangements will work out. You have such a beautiful place there.

  3. i hope all your boys will be happy.

  4. So glad you have the room and the options you have there. Oh ya and Brett of course. He is such a handyman. The book looks great. What a nice gift!!


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