Monday, November 14, 2016

Free Range Horse

Poor Jackson has remained cooped up in the covered roundpen, while the other horses are back out in pasture.  He can't tolerate muddy, or even damp, ground.  I'm trying to get through one winter, just one winter, without any abscesses.  October was very wet and the pastures have not dried.  Saturday, I let him graze by the barn for an hour or so.  He was in heaven.

I did the same thing Sunday -- he was out most of the afternoon.

He stuck to the area between the barn and the boys pasture initially.  Tex came over to the fence and watched enviously.  The grass in the pasture has been nibbled very short.  The grass outside the pasture, where Jackson was eating, was a couple inches deep.

Flash joined Tex at the fence.  They looked at me.  "Ahem, when is it our turn?"

Jackson and I pretended that we didn't see them.  He kept on grazing and I sat in a plastic chair, cat on my lap, with my eyes closed, relishing the warm sun on my face.


  1. So glad Jackson had the opportunity. Can he be hand grazed when the grass is wet, or is it just the mud that causes problems? He looks terrific!!!

    1. It is the "wet" that is the problem, not the grass. In the mornings, everything is very wet so I let him out in the afternoon when the sun has dried the grass.

  2. An American in TokyoNovember 14, 2016 at 6:26 PM

    Flash and Tex are very smart! ha ha!

  3. Jackson does seem to be enjoying his free ranging time. It's so peaceful to sit out with them and just soak up the rays. Hope he continues to do well.

  4. There's nothing a horse loves more than grazing. I have to keep Leah off the grass, for the most part, and it seems cruel.


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