Thursday, July 16, 2020

Score One for the Hawk

The last few days there have been an adult and a juvenile red-tailed hawk soaring over the open fields around the ranch.  I think that Junior is being taught how to hunt but I don’t, of course, know for sure.  But I do enjoy watching them.

This morning I was sitting on the front porch nursing my wounds (but that’s another story) when I heard their distinctive screech — pretty close by.  The dogs, who had been snoozing by my feet, took off barking.

I looked up to see one of the hawks snatch a squirrel from under the oak tree between the driveway and the front pasture.  Whiskey had a front row seat.  The hawk cleared the fence and soared off to the fields, but dropped the squirrel in the pasture.

Sage was pissed.  The hawk took her squirrel (all squirrels are her squirrels) and then dropped it where she couldn’t get it.  Poor Sage.  Kersey came back to the porch and resumed her nap.  Sage came over to me and started complaining, whining and growling, before laying down on the front porch step.

(And my wounds?  I fell off the back of the utility trailer yesterday when I was helping Brett unload some hay.  I fell about three feet onto the cement floor.  No broken bones but some nasty bruising and my back is tweaked.  Of course.)


  1. Aussies are frequently miffed with their territory is messed with. And they have a LOT of territory.
    Ouch re: your fall. That sounds nasty.

    1. It was a pretty scary fall — was pulling down a really heavy bale so had all my weight backwards, the hay hook slipped out, and I tumbled backwards. There was a lot of hay on the floor of the trailer so very slippery and I couldn’t get my footing so fell out the back. I managed to break my fall somehow and nothing broke. I’m actually amazed and happy to be in one piece. Poor Brett was freaking out — and he couldn’t grab me because he had a hay hook in each hand. Ranch life is dangerous!

    2. Be extra careful from now on, and heal quickly!


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