Sunday, August 6, 2017

Lobster Feed Weekend

This weekend Kyle and Camille came up to visit with their significant others.  The occasion?  Our first annual lobster feed.  Yes, it was such a success that we decided to make it an annual event.

Kyle & Ana picked up Camille & Cody Friday night on their way over from San Francisco.  They arrived just before the pizza place closed.  Saturday, we headed over to Renwood for lunch and wine tasting.
Kyle, Ana, Camille, Cody

Afterward, the kids continued down the wine trail while Brett and I headed to the market to pick up the seafood for dinner.  Brett set up the burner and pot in the garden -- it was far too large to fit on the BBQ.

I layered in artichokes and potatoes, with water, wine and aromatics (lemon, celery, garlic, thyme).

I added in sausages, lobster tails, prawns, mussels and corn.  We had a table set up in the garden (covered with butcher paper), tunes playing, SF sourdough brought over by Kyle and Ana, and wine on ice.

When the mussels had opened, Brett poured it all down the center of the table.

We had no plates, no utensils -- just bibs and fingers and lots of melted butter.  It was amazing.  

Sunday, we headed up into the Sierras with the kayaks.

After a quick dinner of BBQ burgers and watermelon, the kids piled into Kyle's car and headed home.


  1. Great meal! Wow. So nice that all of you could be together!

  2. An American in TokyoAugust 8, 2017 at 12:53 AM

    What a wonderful sounding weekend!!

    Ooooooo, everything looks yummy!!
    Did you steam or boil?

    1. Steam. There was a couple inches of liquid (water, wine, etc) in the bottom of the pot that turned into an amazing broth. I put some in a bowl and we dipped our bread in it. Yum!

    2. An American in TokyoAugust 8, 2017 at 6:43 PM

      Oh YUM!!!

  3. I'm going to try it with my kids! I love it!!


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